Organic Cotton

Elotex(TM) fabric


Fly Sheets & Inner Sheets


We use cotton grown on an organic farm in India. Growing cotton without fertilisers or pesticides not only reduces water consumption by 91% but also increases the quality of the soil, enabling it to capture carbon and act like a sponge, making it better at mitigating floods and droughts. The farmers are required to grow other crops along side the cotton on a rotational system to control pests. This also provides an extra income and food source for the farmer and his family whilst encouraging insect life and increased wildlife biodiversity.

The 12 acre power-loom studio where the fabric is woven in India is powered entirely by solar energy. A recent tree planting initiative has meant 1000 tress have been planted around the building.

The thread used to sew the tent together is made from 100% recycled extra strong polyester