
Having spent much of our lives camping, we noticed that we were often sleeping in spectacular wild places but always within drab plastic tents. We wanted to be sleeping in a tent that complimented our surroundings, something we enjoyed being in, that made our nights more comfortable, and heightened our experience of being out in nature. We wanted something breathable, strong, practical and light, and made from materials less harmful to our planet.

Pondering this thought, we looked at the first 20th century expedition tents to be taken up Everest and discovered they were A-frame tents made entirely of natural materials. It made us think, if they worked up Everest, they would work in the UK. Taking inspiration from the most robust elements of these tents; we designed a modern, gale-proof, waterproof, safe and strong A-frame tent, whilst using low impact regenerative, natural materials but without compromise on performance.

Benjamin Edgington Meade tents on first successful ascent of Everest

It has been a fascinating journey finding the right manufacturers, farmers, tappers, spinners, weavers, metal workers and machinists who share the same vision; to produce something whilst working along side mother nature, regardless of the extra effort involved. It’s still a work in progress with set backs and challenges, but we are enjoying the challenge, and will continue to improve our products and reduce the impact they are having on the earth.

Our rubber bands help Indigenous communities in the Amazon to earn a living, helping to prevent deforestation, our groundsheets are made from recycled bottles (about 60!) our apex points are made from recycled fishing nets, the organic cotton in our tents is grown using practises to regenerate the soil, our dyes are AZO free and we have tried to ensure that all the people in the long chain of talented workers needed to make our tents, from the first seeds sown to the final stitch sewn are paid fairly, have good working hours, conditions and rights.

The wild Amazonian rubber used for our tents is collected by local communities & helps them to continue making a living from this tradition of working in harmony with the rainforest

Travelling far and wide still seems like the most tempting and exhilarating offer, but as we are all trying to stay a bit more local and discover the valleys, forests, mountains and rivers that are nearer rather than further we wanted to make a tent that compliments our landscape, and makes these experiences more enjoyable. The shape, materials, and design features have all been designed to not only keep you safe and dry, but to make you feel happy, warm and content with being exactly where you are, just grateful to be sharing that moment with our planet.